Thursday, May 25, 2006

Its stopped raining.

I can't believe the rain we've had this year, and to think that it's less than a month to the longest day and the days getting shorter again. Anyway, it's not raining now and I've had a full day at the allotment.

Jobs done today

  1. Managed to rotavate the man made bog; see my first blog and you'll understand!
  2. Planted out the sweetcorn.
  3. Sowed two rows of Autumn King carrots.
  4. Transferred nearly all of the trays of basil, parsley and brassica's from the green house into the coldframe.
  5. Planted another six tomato plants into growbags and wired in growing canes.
  6. Cut our first lettuce of the season from the growing coldframe; and had it for lunch. Tasted great!

Things that have gone wrong. Not a bad day only one disaster.

  1. Looks like the summer cabbage and cauli's have been infected with club root.

I've had a chat with one of my fellow allotmenteers, a man of many years experience, and he has told me of and old fashion remedy. Sounds strange but worth a try! When dibbling in your brassicas, place a small piece of Rhubarb at the bottom of the hole. He was smiling when he said it, but I'll give it a go!

I've had a go at taking some photos of my allotment so here goes.

Row of peas with spaces, damned mice! I've heard of the old saying "when planting peas, sow four, one to rot, one to grow, and one for the pigeon and one for the crow" but where does the mouse come into it? And they're hungry. The next sowing which you can see under the wire protection are being attacked as well. No problem though, as I've planted in fives this time. So hopefully, no row spaces.

Welcome to "the Bog".

This is the patch that I'd left farmyard muck on top of the winter digging to rotavate in this spring. I still can't walk on it without sinking and I recon it will be at least another two week before I can use it.

Big mistake.

And as for tomorrow.

Will probably have it off as the forecast is for more rain! That's gardening.


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